Two Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication enhances security by requiring users to verify their identity through a one-time password (OTP) sent to their email, providing an additional layer of protection beyond passwords.


  1. Install Masteriyo Proexternal
  2. Activate the Two Factor Authentication Add-onexternal


Once you have installed and activated this add-on, go to the following location.

Masteriyo > Settings > Advanced > Two Factor Authentication


  • Location - Here, you can select to enable the TFA at Masteriyo Login, WP Login or both.
  • OTP Length - Set the length of the OTP that is received by the users in their email.
  • OTP Expiration Interval - Set the time limit for the expiration of the OTP. This is set in seconds.
  • OTP Resend Interval - Set the time interval in which the users can request for another OTP.
  • OTP Resend Max Attempts - Set the number of attempts allowed to resend the OTP.


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Last edited on February 26, 2025.
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