Drip Content is a powerful feature that allows you to release course materials to your learners over a set period of time. By integrating Drip Content into your LMS plugin, you can easily schedule the release of content and assessments, providing a more structured and organized learning experience for your students. This documentation will guide you through the process of integrating Drip Content into your LMS plugin.

How to Use?

  1. Install Masteriyo Proexternal
  2. Enable the Content Drip Add-onexternal

Setup and Configuration

Once you have installed and activated the required plugin and add-on, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to Courses and select the desired course.
  2. Select the desired course and click on Edit.
  3. Go to Settings > Content Drip.
  4. Select the desired Content Drip option for your lesson/quiz.
  5. You can select any one out of the four available options from the Content Drip settings.

Content Drip Main Settings Area

These options determine the flow of the lessons/quiz in your courses. The available options are described in detail below.


Choosing this option means that the flow of the content is random. The users can jump from the first lesson/quiz, let’s say last, without completing the courses in the middle.


Unlike the Free option, this option sets a sequential rule for your lesson/quiz. Now the users will have to complete the first lesson/quiz to move forward to move forward to the next lesson/quiz.

The locked lessons/quiz will appear as:

Sequential Locked Lesson

Date Selection:

Drip Date

You can choose this option to unlock the lessons/quiz on a particular date and onwards.

  1. The data can be set from Builder > Lesson/Quiz.
  2. Click on the edit icon for the desired lesson/quiz.
  3. Select the desired date at the Drip Date option, and the lesson will only be unlocked on that particular date and onwards.

The locked lesson will be shown as:

Drip Date Frontend Result

X Days from Enrollment:

Drip Days

This option lets you choose to unlock the lessons/quiz after a number of days from enrollment.

  1. The days are also set at Builder > Lesson/Quiz.
  2. Click on the edit icon for the desired lesson/quiz.
  3. Enter the number of days on the Drip Days option, and the lesson will be unlocked after those many days of enrollment.

The locked lessons/quizes will be shown below:

Drip Days Frontend Result

Note: Free and Sequential features are available in Masteriyo Pro. Content Drip add-on is required to enable Date Selection and X Days from Enrollment feature.

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Last edited on February 26, 2025.
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