Social login via Facebook and Google adds a layer of convenience by allowing users to authenticate with their existing social media accounts, streamlining the login process.


  1. Install Masteriyo Pro
  2. Activate the Social Login Add-on


Once you have installed and activated this add-on, go to the following location.

Masteriyo > Settings > Advanced > Social Login


Google Login

For enabling Google Login in your login forms, you will need Google Client ID and Secret Key.

Generate Google Client ID and Secret Key

While creating these credentials, you will need to add a redirect URL. Copy the redirect URL given in the Masteriyo settings and use it on Google.


Facebook Login

For enabling Facebook Login in your login forms, you will need Facebook App ID and App Secret.

Generate Facebook App ID and App Secret

While creating these credentials, you will need to add a redirect URL. Copy the redirect URL given in the Masteriyo settings and use it on Facebook.


Once you have set up these keys, you can now login to your site via Google or Facebook.


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Last edited on September 24, 2024.
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