GamiPress Integration

Gamify the learning experience of students like never before. Unlock achievements, earn rewards, and make education a captivating journey.


  1. Masteriyo LMS
  2. GamiPress Plugin
  3. GamiPress Integration Add-on

Setup and Configuration

Configuring GamiPress Plugin

To integrate the GamiPress features for your site's students, you will have to install and activate the GamiPress plugin at first and configure the following options.

  1. Points
  2. Achievements
  3. Ranks

Click here to learn more about creating these options

Integrating the GamiPress Options to the Masteriyo Student's Experiences

Once you have configured the required options in the GamiPress plugin, go to the following location.

Masteriyo > Settings > GamiPress


Here, you will find the following options to set up.


From here, you can configure the location for showing the points created with GamiPress add-on with the Masteriyo.


  • Show Types - Select the points type from the list of the available point types created with GamiPress. You can select All or individual or random.

  • Page - Select where would you like to show these points. There are two options: Account Page Or Learn Page/

  • Location - Out of the given options, select any one option as the location of the points. The location varies according to the page you choose.

    • For Account Page points-location-for-account-page

    Here is an example when the location is selected as Dashboard Card


    Note: If you select New Tab option, you can set a custom tab name.

    • For Learn Page points-location-for-learn-page

    The thumbnails shows where the points can be visible with each location.

Achievements and Ranks

Similarly, you can set the Achievements and Ranks exactly the same way you do for the Points.

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Last edited on September 24, 2024.
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