Math Equations

Masteriyo LMS allows you to use Math Equations in lessons, quizzes, and assignment editors. This feature works with both the classic and block editors.

Example Math Equations

Once you’ve added the math equations, update the lesson, quiz, or assignment, and review the results. Here is the final output:

Result Math Equations

Math Essentials: Syntax and Delimiters

Read the following information to learn how math equations can be used in lessons, quizzes, and assignments.

In-line Math Delimiters

Use these for math expressions that appear within a line of text.

In-line Math Delimiters

Displayed Equations

Use these for math equations that need to appear on a separate line.

Displayed Equations

Prevent Dollar Sign as Delimiter

To show a dollar sign without triggering math mode, use this syntax.

revent Dollar Sign as Delimiter

Processing Environments

MathJax can process everything inside these delimiters, even for cases where true LaTeX might not.

Processing Environments

Matrix Environment

MathJax can render this syntax even without math delimiters, but it is better to use delimiters.

Matrix Environment

Additional Configuration

For more parameters for the TeX input processor. Refer to this Documentation:

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Last edited on January 10, 2025.
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