Duplicate courses, lessons, quizes, assginments and certificates?

In Masteriyo Pro version, you can duplicate the courses, lessons, quizes and assignments. Similarly, you can also duplicate the Certificates you have built. This makes it easier to create a similar kind of contents with a click of button.

Duplicate Courses

Course Duplicate

To duplicate a course, follow the steps below.

  • Go to Masteriyo > Courses.
  • Click on the three dots icon on the action section of the desired course,
  • Click on Duplicate. This way, you can create multiple courses that follows similar content patterns with just the click of a button.

Duplicate Lessons

Lesson Duplicate

If you want to duplicate a lesson of a certain course, you can follow the steps below.

  • Go to Masteriyo > Courses >** Edit Course** > Navigate to Builder.
  • Click on the Duplicate icon beside the desired lesson. Now, the lesson will be duplicated.

Duplicate Quizes

Quizes Duplicate

If you want to duplicate a quiz of a certain course, you can follow the steps below.

  • Go to Masteriyo > Courses > Edit Course > Navigate to Builder.
  • Click on the Duplicate icon beside the desired quiz.

Duplicate Assignments[Premium Add-on]

Assignment Duplicate

Just like the lessons and quizes, you can also duplicate the assignments by following the same steps as above.

Duplicate Certificates[Premium Add-on]

Certification Duplicate

To duplicate a certificate, follow the steps below.

  • Go to Masteriyo > Certificates.
  • Click on the three dots icon on the action section of the desired certificate.
  • Click Duplicate.

That's it. You have just duplicated the desired course, its contents or a certificate.

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Last edited on March 12, 2025.
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