Quiz Settings
Location: Masteriyo > Settings > Quiz
- Quiz access for guest users - You can choose to either show the quiz in default way for all the users, or choose read-only-view for the guest users, or disable the access.
- Grade Calculation - Select the method you want to use to calculate the students final grade.
- Quiz Complete Button - Display the quiz complete button only if the user passes the quiz.
- Allow students to give feedback - Enable this option to allow the students to give quiz feedback.
Quiz Review or Student feedback
When you enable the 'Allow students to give feedback' option, the student who complete the quiz will be able to leave a feedback on the quiz report.
To leave a review, complete any quiz available and at last when you see the report, you will see a button on the bottom-right to leave a feedback/review.
Once you click on the 'Leave a Review' button, a pop-up wll open where you can write your review.
Now, as an admin/instructor, you can view these reviews from Masteriyo > Quiz Attempts > Quiz Review.
- Questions per page - Set the amount of the questions to appear per page.
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Last edited on January 10, 2025.
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