Complete Course Creation

In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of how to create and publish a course in Masteriyo plugin.

Creating a Course

  • Navigate to the Dashboard Menu Masteriyo -->Courses and click Add New Course.

Add New Course

  • A new course builder interface will appear. In the Course Name, enter a suitable name for your course.
  • Add a short description of the course in the Course Description editor. You can also style the description and add links and media in the description editor.

Course Name

  • On the right-hand side, enter the main features of the course in the Course Highlights box. You can enter the main highlighted features of the course in bullet points. Course highlights will be shown on the course listing page.
  • Just below the Course Highlight comes the Categories. You can select a category from the dropdown if you already have a category. If not, you can create a new one by clicking on Add New Category.
  • Click Add Featured Image to add an image for the course.


  • Click Next button on the top right corner to go to the next interface which is a Builder area.


Course Premium

If you have Masteriyo Pro, you can select the course as a featured course and add featured video as well.

  • Click Next button on the top right corner to go to the next interface which is a Builder area.

Adding New Section

Each course can be divided into sections. Sections are nothing but a group of Lessons and Quizes. Grouping lessons and quizes into different sections is an excellent way to make a course easier to navigate and give your student a quick overview.

  • Click Add New Section in the builder area.


  • Give the name to the section in Section Name field and Click Add.


Adding New Lesson

Once you add a new section, you will be directed to a new interface where you can add Lessons.

  • Click on Add New Content, which will present two option Add New Lesson and Add New Quiz.
  • Click on Add New Lesson. A new interface for adding lesson will be shown.


  • Give your lesson a name in the Lesson Name field.
  • Add a short description of the lesson in the Lesson Description editor.
  • If you like to have a featured image for the lesson then click on Add Featured Image and upload the image.


Now, if you have a video for the lesson, you can add it. Currently, Masteriyo supports videos from 5 different sources YouTube, Vimeo, Self-hosted, EmbedVideo, and Live Stream. If you select Youtube, Vimeo, or Live Stream, you will be presented with a field to enter the video URL. If you select Embed Video in Video Source, you will be presented with a field to enter Video iframe can upload a video by clicking on Add Video Link. If you select Self Hosted in Video Source, you can upload a video by clicking on Add Video Link.


New video type called Live Stream has been added to the existing lists. Select Live Stream and enter the stream URL to show live streaming videos on your course.


  • Once all the details are filled. Click on Add New Lesson
  • Well done, you have successfully added your first Lesson. Now, follow the exact same steps to add other lessons.


Adding New Quiz

There is another component in the section called quiz where you can add questions and allow users to answer them. You can assign points to these questions, set a pass mark, and check the student's progress.

Add New Quiz

  • Click on Add New Content.
  • Click on Add New Quiz. A new interface for adding quiz will be shown.

Quiz Builder - Name

  • Give a name to the Quiz.
  • Click on Add New Quiz.
  • You can now give the quiz description as well.

Question Builder

After creating a quiz, you will need to add questions for the quiz. To do this, follow the steps below.

  • Click on the Questions tab.
  • On the Question Name, write your question.

Now, you can see the Question Type dropdown. There are three types of questions you can choose from.

Question Type

  • True False - The answer will either be true or false.
  • Single Choice - The answer can be any one of the available options. Click on Add New Answer to add options. SingleMultiple Choice Quesrtions
  • Multi Choice - You can choose multiple answers from the available options. Adding an option is similar to the Single Choice type.

On the premium version of the Materiyo plugin, you will have many other question types including all of the aboves.

Question Type - Pro

  • Text Answer - Allows user to write custom answers for the given question.
  • Match The Following - As the name suggest, the users can match the given choices.
  • Video - Show video from self hosted source or youtube or Vimeo.
  • Audio - Play uploaded audio for the users.
  • Sortable - Provide options and the users can sort them accordingly.
  • Fill in the blanks - Fill in the blanks with appropriate answers.

You can now update the quiz and click on the Publish button on the top right of the screen to publish your course and make it live.

Course Settings

Main Settings

Each course you make will have its own individual settings that have the course flow, type: free or pro, and many more features. There are basically three options to set in the individual settings. They are,

  • General
  • Display
  • Pricing



In this tab, you will find basic course related settings like instructor, difficulty, duration, etc. All these settings are explained briefly as below.

  • Instructor - The user who has created the course will be shown here.
  • Difficulty - Set the difficulty of the course to be Expert, Intermediate, or Beginner as per the course's contents.
  • Duration - Set the course duration in hours: min format.
  • Maximum Students - Set a limit for the students to enroll or make the course available to unlimited students.
  • End Date - Set a date where the course ends. Once the date has arrived and passed, the course will then change into Draft.
  • Enable Course Retake - Enable this option to allow users to retake the course.
  • Password - Set a password for the course. The students will have to enter the password to view/enroll.
  • Restrict Content During Quiz - Enable this option to restrict the course content when a student is doing the Quiz.



This tab lets you customize the manner in which the courses appear.

Curriculum in Single page —Choose whether the curriculum should always be visible to the enrollers or only.



From this tab, you can set the course's price. You can either make the course Free or charge for it.

  • Free - If you decide to make the course free, you will then have two additional options. You can either allow the students to enroll to your course without registering or make the registration compulsory.

  • Paid

Pricing - Paid

Set a one-time fee for the course you have created. The enrollers must then pay this amount to take your course.

Enrollment Expiration


You can set the time limit for the course to expire once the user enrolls on it. It can be set in a number of days.


Once you have set up the course's settings as per your requirement, hit the Publish button to save the changes. You can also click on Preview button beside the Publish button to take a glance of the course you have made and know how it appears to the students.

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Last edited on July 24, 2024.
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