Advanced Quiz Creation
Note: This instruction is for creating Quiz for your course. If you missed the documentation for creating a complete course, please review it here:
How to create a Quiz?
With Masteriyo, you can create advanced quizzes as per your needs. There is a component in the course section called quiz where you can add questions and allow users to answer them. You can assign points to these questions, set a pass mark and check the student's progress.
- Click on Add New Content.
- Click on Add New Quiz. A new interface for adding quiz will be shown.
- Give a name to the Quiz.
- Click on Add New Quiz.
- You can now give the quiz description as well.
After creating a quiz, you will need to add questions for the quiz. If you would like to do this, please follow the steps below.
- Click on the Questions tab.
- On the Question Name, write your question.
Now, you can see the Question Type dropdown.
Question Types
True False
Write the questions that have true or false an answer.
Single Choice
If you have questions where the learners have to select only one question out of the available options, you need to add this question type. Click on 'Add new answer' to add a new option.
This is similar to the single-choice questions, but here the learners can select more than one answer. Click on 'Add new answer' to add a new option.
Text Answer This question type lets you create a question that requires explanatory text answers. It lets the learners describe the answer in their own words. You can set the maximum length for the text.
Match the following This is a question type where the answers are to be matched with the prompts. You can select whether you are matching text to text, image to text or image to image.
When you select any options related to image, you can upload your image from the uploader button.
While submitting the quiz, the learners should select the matching answers for the respective prompts from the drop-down menu. You can see it in the image below.
Video Here, you can upload videos while creating courses and give questions related to that videos. There are four video sources you can choose from. They are:
- Self Hosted
- Youtube
- Vimeo
- External URL
In the Self-Hosted option, you will need to upload a video from the local source. Similarly, if you choose Youtube or Vimeo, you can add Youtube or Vimeo video links. The last one is the external URL. You can add the URL of the place where you have hosted your own video.
Now, while submitting the quiz, the learners can watch the video and write the answer to the question asked.
Audio Just like the video questions, you can also add an audio question to your quiz. For this, choose the question type 'Audio'. Now, you will need to upload audio by clicking 'Drop documents or click here to upload'. Now, write the question and click on update.
Now, while submitting the form, the learners can listen to the audio and write the required answers.
Sortable In this type of question, the learners will have to sort the given answers as per the question. As a quiz maker, you can add options by clicking the 'Add new answer' button.
Fill in the blanks You can use this if you want to add a question where the learners will have to fill in the blanks with a correct answer.
{" "} Format: This is a hint for the {{ fill in the blanks }} question. Here, the text between the double curly braces is the answer that the learners will have to write. {" "}
Answer Explanation
This option lets the instructor add an explanation to the correct answer. The students will be able to see this once they submit the answers.
Quiz Settings
On the last tab of the Quiz Editor screen, you will see the Settings specifically for the quiz you have just created. This Setting consists of the following.
- Full Points: You can set the full points for the quiz you have created as per the marks for each questions.
- Pass Points: Set the minimum points required for the students to pass this quiz.
- Duration: Set the time duration for which the quiz is active. Students will have to complete the quiz within this time frame.
- Attempts Allowed: You can set whether to put a limit on the attempts allowed for the quiz to be solved or not.
- Questions Per Page: You can choose two options for this. Either choose to inherit the global settings for the number of questions to be displayed in each page or choose a custom number for separate quizzes.
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Last edited on February 26, 2025.
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