How to translate the Masteriyo plugin into Multiple Languages?

Masteriyo is a fully translation-ready plugin. You can translate Materiyo plugin into any language offered by WordPress using free plugins like Loco Translate, Polylang, and a premium plugin, WPML.

Source Text Transtation using the Loco Translate plugin:

Once you have installed the Loco Translate plugin, proceed with the steps below.


  1. Go to your dashboard, navigate Loco Translate->Plugins
  2. Choose Masteriyo - LMS for WordPress
  3. Click on the New language
  4. From WordPress language, select the language
  5. In Choose a location, select the option to save your language in a separate language folder
  6. Click on Start Translating
  7. In the Source text section, click on the text you want to translate
  8. Move to the translate window under the Source text window and add the translation
  9. Click on Save after translating the text


Strings Translation using Polylang:


First, install and activate the Polylang plugin on your WordPress website, then continue with the following steps:

  1. Go to the Languages
  2. From the Choose Language section, select your preferred language
  3. Go to the Add new language
  4. Click on Language->Strings translation
  5. Select the string you want to translate
  6. On the right side, there are translation fields for each available language
  7. Click on the translation field and add your translation
  8. Repeat the above steps to translate each string
  9. Click on Save Changes


Note: If you want to translate pages or have any further confusion, go through this link.

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Last edited on July 24, 2024.
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